01 02 03 Bookish Wanderess: Movies to Look Forward to: August 2015 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Movies to Look Forward to: August 2015


This are the movies that are being released this month that I really want to watch. 

1) Fantastic Four  (Trailer)
Honestly, I want to watch this movie because it has an amazing cast, especially, Kate Mara and Michael B. Jordan. So I’m excited, even if the trailers have not been able to captivate me and make want to watch.

2) Ricki and the Flash (Trailer)
MERYL STREEP… do I have to say anything else? I don’t think so!

3) Regression (Trailer

I want to watch this movie because of Emma Watson. Also, it looks mysterious and creepy, even if the concept behind the movie look like something we have seen a million times before. 

What movies do you want to watch this month? What movies did you watched last month? did you like them? Let me know your answers in the comments. 


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