2015 was a good reading year, but not the best. I definitely read less that previous years, and even if I read some good (even great!) books, I was expecting more from a lot of the books I read. Expectations are a dangerous thing! Nonetheless, here are my favorite books of 2015 in no particular order (because I just can't put them in order. Ok? I can't!).
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
I'm gonna start by saying that I'm a huge Sarah J. Maas fan. I really enjoyed this book; I liked the world it took place in, I think it had some great characters, especially, Rhys and Lucien, and as always Sarah's writing was great. I can't wait to see if this series gets better with every book, like the Throne of Glass series does.
The Orphan Queen by Jodi Meadows
I heard so much about this book on twitter (especially from Sarah @ The YA Book Traveler), that I had to read it. And when I finally did, I was going through a reading slump and this book totally help me get in the reading mood again. I really enjoyed it and I can't wait for the next book after THAT ENDING!
Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas
As I said before, I'm a huge Sarah J. Maas fan. So, of course my most anticipated book of 2015 was Queen of Shadows, and I loved it. I think this is probably my favorite book of the year. I love Aelin, and Manon and Lisandra are great as well. Also, I love all the new ships!
The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson
This book was of my favorite books of the year. It has great characters, an amazing world and magic system, but what I liked more was the diveristy and the incredible way it handle some sensitive subjects like body image. This is the first book I read by Rae Carson, but I'm definitely a fan of her writing.
Paula by Isabel Allende
I promised myself that I would try to read more Latin American authors in 2015. I'm from Colombia, so I felt like it was something I needed to do. At the end, I ended up reading like 4 or 5 books, and honestly I expected to read more, but it I feel the number was not that bad. Paula was one of those books and it was amazing. One of the few 5 stars books for me in 2015. My favorite thing about this book was the writing, Isabel Allende is a genius, this book is so heartbreaking and so different from what I normally read, but Isabel's life is so interesting and the story of her daughter Paula is so touching and sad, I connected with it so much. I hope some of you give this book a chance!
The Queen of the Tearling by Erika Johansen
This book was really good, it took place in an interesting world and there was a very intriguing magic system. Also, I really liked the main character, and something that surprised me a lot is that there was no romace, no love interest, and that was so refreshing.
These were my favorite book of 2015! Please tell me about yours, I would love to know. Also, have you read any of the books on this list? Did you enjoy them?