01 02 03 Bookish Wanderess: Happy New Year! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Happy New Year!


This is the last post of the year. I can't believe it! 2015 was a really especial year for me because it was the year I started blogging. There has been ups and down, I only blogged for like 3 months from July to October and then I had to take a break until the end of December, but no matter what, I'm really glad I decided to start this blog. 

I just wanted to make this post to wish you all the best for the year that's about to start. I hope it brings positive things for your personal and professional life, but I especially hope it brings all the best to your reading and blogging life. I really wish to meet more of you next year, and to all the people who have been here in this first few months of blogging, I just want to say THANK YOU! You have made this year so much better, I'm glad you are part of my life. 

Happy New Year, guys! 

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