This tag was created by Emma
@Emmmabooks, and it's a tag to talk about all the book related things we think totally should've happened. I have seen this go around booktube, and it look like so much fun
that I decided to do it!
1. Totally should've gotten a sequel It's not really a sequel, it's more like a continuation of some of the stories in My True Love gave to Me. I didn't like all the stories in this book, but there were some incredible ones, and I want more.
2. Totally should've had a spin off series
The Darkest Minds! I want at least a short story about Vida and Chub's roadtrip. But if we could get something else centering around them, it would be amazing!
3. An author who totally should write more books I want to read something by Marissa Meyer that isn't part of the Lunar Chronicles. Don't get me wrong, I love that series, but I want to see what other worlds and characters can she create.
4. A character who totally should've ended up with someone else I'm usually ok with whatever couple is canon, but when I'm ask this question I always say Katniss, not because I wanted her to end up with Gale. I just didn't want her to end up with Peeta. Actually, I wanted a completely different ending for her!
5. Totally should've ended differently
Mockingjay. Like I said in the last answer I wanted a completely different ending for Katniss. When I read it, I didn't like the ending at all. I don't know if I read it now I would feel different, but going with my original feelings about the ending, I would change it!
6. Totally should've had a movie franchise
I don't now if franchice, because book two isn't even out yet. Nonetheless, I want Vicious to be made into a movie. I think it would be amazing!
7. Totally should've had a TV show
Maybe the Throne of Glass series. Everytime I think about an adaptation of this series, it gets me excited and nervious. If they do a tv show that's more Game of Thrones than Shadowhunters, I think I would be alright with that.
8. Totally should've had only one point of view
I can't think of an answer... the only book that comes to mind is Allegiant, but I didnĀ“t finish it. Actually I didn't make it that far into the book, but for what I read, I think one point of view would have been better.
9. Totally should have a cover change
If you saw the first post of Good Books/ Bad Covers, you know my answer to this is the Vampire Academy series/ Bloodline series. I really don't like covers with creepy faces on them!
10. Totally should've kept the original covers
Me and Earl and The Dying Girl! The original is very vibrant and it has a lot of colors, and it just makes you want to read this book. The new covers are alright, but they are nothing special.
11. Totally should've stopped at book one
I don't think it should have stopped at book one, but I do think the Mythos Academy series should have been a three or four book series. I really liked the first few books, but the last few books weren't that good.
I'm gonna tag Micheline @LunarRainbowsReviews, Carrie @TheBookGoddess and everyone else who wants to join. If you do this tag, let me a link in the comments!