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February 2016 Wrap Up


This month was not a good reading month for me. Ok, that's not completely true. I finished only one book, and I read 80% of another one. Here's why I don't think that's bad: I'm finally reading Game of Thrones! So yeah, I have read 80% of it and it's really good, but it has a really small font, 800 pages and it's a really dense book. I could have read more book in betweenchapters of GOT, but  I was really busy. I'm gonna stop talking now and tell you about the book I did finish this month. 

 Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella (4,5 stars) 

I went into this book without knowing what to expect, because the premise sounded ridiculous; nonetheless, once I started reading it I fell in love with it. It was such a funny and quick read. I really liked the subtle romance, the writing style and the relationship between Sadie and Lara. One thing I will tell you, if you are gonna read this book, be prepared for secondhand embarresment... and a lot of it! 

Currently Reading 

Game of Thrones by George R.R Martin

I'm really enjoying this so far; my only problem and the reason why it has taken me so long to finish it is that I watched the tv show so I know what happens with Ned's storyline and I don't want to get there. But other than that, so far I'm really enjoying the complex world, the writing style and the different POV's. 


RockMyTBR: Twenties Girl (3/ 12)

Flights of Fantasy: Game of Thrones... but I'm still reading it so I won't count it yet. ( 7/ 30 )

Backlist Books: Twenties Girl and Game of Thrones ( I won't count it yet). (5/ 20)

Finishing the Series I haven't read anything for this challenge :( My month for next goal is gonna be working on this challenge! 

Commenting 365 Challenge I'm doing awful with this challenge, I have only commented  on 35 or 40blogs. Something like that... Opps! And worst I'm not really keeping track :/ 


Good Book/ Bad Cover #3: A weekly meme hosted here at Bookish Wanderess. In this one, I talk about The Darkest Minds series by Alexandra Bracken

Book Review: Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard  The characters and some elements from the plot were not that creative, but I really enjoyed the writing, the world and magic system.

Totally Should've Book Tag:  The goal behind this tag is talk about all the book related things we think totally should've happened. I tagged a few people, but if you want to do it consider yourself tag! 

The Complicated Art of Rating Books| Discussion  I talk about all the things that affect the rating of a book that have nothing to do with the book 

Good Books/ Bad Covers #4  I talk about The Name of the Wind  

Book Review: The Hero and The Crown by Robin McKinley Overall, I would say that, the first 70% of this book was amazing, the next 25% was not that good, and the last 5% was alright. check out my review to know why! 

Good Books/ Bad Covers #5 I talk about The Girl of Fire and Thorns 

Movies Wrap Up| December 2015 & January 2016 I talk about all the movies I watched during december and january. Spoiler alert! They were 13 movies total and most of them were really good. 

That's it fo february! Let me the links to your wrap ups, I would love to check them out! 


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