I don't know if I'm the only one that does this, but Sunday
is usually the day I spend catching up with all the posts that I didn't have time to
read during the week. Today, I was checking out blog posts and commenting, and
I thought it would be a good idea to share some of my favorite bookish posts of this week with you guys. So here they are!
1. I want to start with a post that almost made me cry (which rarely happens!), because I thought a lot of you guys would love it as much as I did, and it's Prisioner of Azkaban Feels by the lovely Micheline. If you don't follow her blog, you should! She is the nicest person ever and there's always a bunch of Harry Potter post on her blog that will fill you with all the feels!
2. Another post I really enjoyed was What Matters Most: # of books, pages, or quality? which was written by Jess. I think she made some very good points in this discussion and you should check it out!
4. This post written by the lovely Claire inspired me a lot, the tittle of this post is Reason I Bookstagram and all the reasons are so good that they made me want to try this!