Hi guys! This week was amazing. I found a few blogs that post about diverse books and I think that’s so important, so I wanted to promote them and their content. I love diverse books and I added a lot of books to my TBR thanks to some of these post. If you are interested I hope you check them out. Also, there are some post that I included because I found them interesting and useful. I hope you enjoy this post!
1. I was looking for diverse books to add to my tbr and I found Maha on twitter. Her latest post was about her 7 most anticipated diverse reads of 2017 and there were so many wonderful books in that list that I knew inmidiately that I needed to follow her and share her post with you guys.
2. I found another list of amazing recommendations about Books with Muslim Protagonist posted in the amazing blog The Book Thieves.
3. More and more diverse books, that's what we need!
A thread of diverse 2017 book releases I'm super excited about
4. This time of years is just perfect for list about anticipated releases, I found them in so many blogs, but one of my favorites is 2017 Releases on my Radar. So many book to add to my TBR.